Face to Face Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes with Pam Steele BWY teacher.
Monday 10 -30 am till 12 noon D'Urberville Hall wool
Now Simone is teaching this class
email simonewinkworth'yahoo.co.uk
Wednesday 2-15 Furzebrook Hall Wareham Dorset
Frances White is teaching this class
email r19few@googlemail.com
Thursday 2pm At my house studio
Full at the moment please ask to go on waiting list
Zoom classes and videos on my private Facebook Group
Please inquire if you think you would enjoy using these.
Last week before summer Holiday week beginning 8th August 2022
The Zoom classes
Zoom Yoga Tuesday 10. 00 am till11.30 am
Thursday 07.00pm till 08-30 pm
Zoom meditation on Monday 7-30 pm 8-30 pm
Study and meditation Saturday 10 am till 12
at my house and on Zoom
Yoga Increases Flexibility and the ability to cope with stress
Strengthens core muscles which help to strengthen the back.
Quality of movement is more important than gymnastic ability
suitable for all